Henry Ford Elementary School
100% of your donation goes directly to supporting projects like school supply drives, field trips, book drives, clubs, or teacher-led initiatives at your school of choice.
Redwood City Education Foundation (RCEF) serves as the fiscal sponsor for school-site fundraising for the Redwood City School District, supporting the school and classroom-based projects and initiatives Districtwide services.
All donated funds are tax-deductible for the donor through RCEF's 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.
Gifts to this fund are solicited by teachers and principals rather than by the PTO or RCEF.
Donors can claim a tax deduction for their contribution using RCEF’s tax ID: 94–2903141.
Donate by Mail: Redwood City Education Foundation
750 Bradford St. Redwood City, CA 94063
Contact us at info@rcef.org for help.